Google Search Tips You'll Never Want To Miss Out

Search for either this or that:
Use "|" sign or "or"
e.g, Information Technology | neural networks
Andorid or iphone

Search using Synonyms:
use "~" to let google fetch the websites with similar meaning as well.
e.g, "healthy ~ nutrition" will bring for you web sites having something about healthy nutrition, healthy diet, healthy eating etc.

Search within a website:
type the site url space and then the keyword or phrase you want to search for in the specified website.
e.g, how diesel engine works grid computing

Search for a lengthy phrase you don't exactly remember some words of:
guess and type a number in brackets like (2) for the words you don't remember.
e.g, "la belle (2) merci" will get you La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad by John Keats

Search for a range:
Use "..." to represent the range of numbers, date or time.
e.g, world history 1990...2019 will get you the links relevant to or containing the world history between 1990 and 2019.
Likewise huawei mobile $200...300 will get huwaei mobile links within your budget.

Search for specific word(s) within the Url:
type inurl:<yourkeyword> Remember there should be no spaces in between. However your keywords may have spaces.
e.g, inurl:jobs
inurl:public health

Search for the related websites:
type related:<url>
e.g, will fetch sites providing the similar services like grammar, english learning, spell check etc. will bring search engines services like google itself.

Search but leave the specified keyword:
type minus sign "-" before the word you don't want to search for.
e.g, cheap gadgets -free to look for cheap but "not free" gadgets.

Search the keywords in a specific file type:
use filetype:
e.g angularjs filetype:ppt will bring the power point presentation for angularjs.