
Showing posts from January, 2019

Information technology: Past, Present and Future

Information technology is the technology which uses the computer or computing device to collect, process, store and provide information when and where it is needed. According to Wikipedia "Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise." In the context of the business,  the Information Technology Association of America has defined information technology as "the study, design, development, application, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems" . Modern world is experiencing a rapid growth and development of Information Technology resulting in more dependence of the society on it in almost all walks of life. Information Technology has rightly proved to have drastically improved quality, excellence, efficiency and accuracy. Looking a couple of decades back; in the mid 80s the expansion of the Internet

Google Search Tips You'll Never Want To Miss Out

Search for either this or that: Use "|" sign or "or" e.g, Information Technology | neural networks Andorid or iphone Search using Synonyms: use "~" to let google fetch the websites with similar meaning as well. e.g, "healthy ~ nutrition" will bring for you web sites having something about healthy nutrition, healthy diet, healthy eating etc. Search within a website: type the site url space and then the keyword or phrase you want to search for in the specified website. e.g,  how diesel engine works  grid computing Search for a lengthy phrase you don't exactly remember some words of: guess and type a number in brackets like (2) for the words you don't remember. e.g, "la belle (2) merci" will get you La Belle Dame sans Merci: A Ballad by John Keats Search for a range: Use "..." to represent the range of numbers, date or time. e.g, world history 1990...

What is AngularJS.

AngularJS AngularJS is by far one of the leading frameworks to build Javascript based web applications. The framework supports to develop single-page applications which means the page, e.g index.html is rendered only once from the server and later on only the content of various sections of the page are loaded or updated as needed. This helps gain two benefits; first it enormously reduces the web traffic between the client (the browser or the mobile app) and the server, secondly it reduces the use of resources (memory and CPU) on the server. Since the Angular framework is built on the JavaScript framework, it becomes easier for the developers to understand Angular if they know JavaScript which is very commonly used in almost all web applications. Features of Angular framework: Components  Components help to build the application into many modules. Components allow for a clear separation of concerns and allow you to build highly reusable and maintainable code over a period of

PHP Trick: Date Validation

Following code first checks if the date expression is ok, then evaluates the date through checkdate() function: $dt = "3-31-1921"; $expr = "/\b(0?[1-9]|1[012])[-](0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-](19|20)\d\d\b/"; if ( preg_match($expr, $dt, $match) ){      list($m, $d, $y) = explode('-', $dt);     if( checkdate($m, $d, $y) )         echo "valid date.";     else         echo "invalid date.";   } else     echo "not a date expression.";